A big thank you to Ollie Jones, Hailey Elise and Kaz Yamamura who did a fantastic job capturing the spirit of Chromag in the video. Chromag Bikes and ‘full suspension’...
Show 'n Shine 2022
It's safe to say the 2022 Show and Shine went off with a bang. "Safe" not being the operative word. There was a perfect...
Return of the Show 'n Shine
Chromag Show & Shine v15 returns June 30th! After a 2 year unscheduled break, the Chromag Bikes Toonie Race and Show & Shine Après Celebration...
Better Late // Brandon Semenuk
Always, “Better Late”, as never isn’t an option. An ensemble of moments in time with the creative people who built memories that define resilience and...
World's First // Our Very Own High Pivot
Article reproduced here courtesy of PinkBike. Chromag, the Whistler based bike brand most known for their steel hardtails, has made a foray into the high...
Reece Wallace // Glory Daze
The 90s and early 2000s were the glory days of freeride. Skinnies, ladder bridges, and teeter totters paved the way for riders like Reece Wallace...
Brandon Semenuk // Making REALM
If you thought REALM was impressive, then this little behind the scenes will really give you some insight into how much work goes into these projects....
Tire Recycling // Tire Stewardship BC
Where do your tires go once you've schralped them to pieces? A question not many riders know the answer to, and in fairness it greatly depends on...
Brandon Semenuk // REALM
Watch the latest bicycle sorcery from Brandon. Huge thanks to @revel_co @redbullbike and @tobycowley. Take a look behind the scenes here.
A Pre/Post Work Ride
The other day, Greg (who's buttocks you might recognise from this video) suggested we ride to the top of Lord of the Squirrels, have an...